The Mags - She

Final magazine advert

Final magazine advert

Friday 11 February 2011

Reasoning behind my digipack designs

I carefully chose every aspect of my digipack so that I made sure it conformed to the conventions of digipacks from our chosen alternative rock genre. I also made sure that it had a connection to our music video. The reason I chose to do the front and back panels in colour and the insides in black and white is because I thought this was the best way to link it to our music video. In our video we have made our performance shots in black and white and then our narrative of Charlotte, in bright colours. The pictures that are in black and white are of the drums and Tom singing which are both part of the performance in our video and the blue bass that I have put on my front cover, features in the narrative of our video. I have also made sure however that I haven't soley based my digipack on our video because that is not what albums usually do. By having the instruments and microphone on my digipack this makes it broader than just my video as these would be featured in all of the bands songs.
The background that I have used on my front and back cover also convey certain aspects of the rock genre as when I was researching other digipacks I found that some use a mosaic type of design such as the Muse and Killers album covers which could be linked to my choice of jumbled up background.

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