The Mags - She

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Final magazine advert

Sunday 13 February 2011

Editing and voyeurism

In our last lesson we were editing our video and finally worked out how to do a spilt screen on iMovie. We were experimenting with different shots that we could put into a split screen and found that when we put the same shot of Charlotte on the floor lip synching next to eachother and flipped one side, it looked like she was looking at herself singing and this could create voyeurism in our video which it something we need to add. I think that this looked really effective and I will upload it once we get it on YouTube. We still need to also do a 4 way split screen for the opening of our video but we cannot do that on iMovie so will have to wait until we can get onto final cut pro.

We were also discussing that we need to film some more footage for our video so we were deciding when and what to film. We are hoping to all get together after school this Wednesday to film at someones house and we are going to try and film the 3 way split like in the Blink 182 video that I have spoken about before.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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