The Mags - She

Final magazine advert

Final magazine advert

Sunday 2 January 2011

Questionnaire results

A while ago we handed out questionnaires to our friends about music videos and types of music, I posted the questions on my blog in a previous post but these are the results we received. We decided to send our questionnaire over facebook as well as hand it out in a physical form to people to use different types of media. These are some of the results that we gained through messaging people through Molly's facebook:

From these results and all of our other ones, we found that most people watch music videos on the Internet and some on the TV but they are rarely downloaded to watch. People watch music videos very frequently, mostly every day or at least weekly. The majority of people's expectations of rock music videos we found are that they should be mainly performance where the band are shown with their instruments. Also the colours that they associate with the rock genre are mainly dark colours such as black and white and grey.

These results have made us more confident in our idea to have a black and white video and to also have a lot of performance element because hopefully this is what will appeal to our audience the most.

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