The Mags - She

Final magazine advert

Final magazine advert

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Filming day 2

Last week we filmed for the second day where we used our school hall stage for the performance element of our music video.
Unfortunately at last minute, our 4th band member could not make it so we had to quickly think of a solution. As we could not find anyone else who was available we contemplated making one of us part of the band but as we are all girls we decided it would not work and just make the video look strange. Instead we just carried on with the 3 band members who came, Tom, Josh and Ben, and made the lead singer also play bass. Tom was our lead singer and bassist, Josh played drums and Ben played guitar.
We set up the stage to look professional by borrowing amps and microphones from the school and also had jackets and guitar cases around the stage to make it look like a casual band practice. I was really happy with the mise en scene of the shots and although you can tell it is a school stage and it looks quite dull, we are going to put it into black and white and play with the settings to make it look more effective. At first, the boys were quite shy when performing and it didn't look very good so to try and overcome this we set up the shots and made sure they looked good and then turned around or left the hall to let them perform the song without us watching, this worked surprisingly well and we managed to get some really good shots. After running through the song twice the whole way through with the camera on all of the band members, we moved the camera and started to experiment with shots. We got close ups of the lead singer's mouth lip syncing to the song and also of each instrument. One of my favourite shots was of the bass drum as it was vibrating when it was hit and will look really good if we get it to the exact beat of the song. Some of the other shots we got were in fact inspired by the original video for the Kings of Leon song Charmer, because as we were watching it we really liked the shot where the camera is positioned so you can see the lead singer and the drummer over his shoulder. We also experimented with shadows and got a really good shot of the drummer with the lead singers shadow on the curtain behind him dancing around.

Overall I was really pleased with how the filming went and how professional the band looked and co operated. As we were using the school hall we were unfortunately limited with timing so when we start editing our video we may find that we are missing a few shots that we will have to film again at a later date but hopefully it won't be too much and will be easy to put together.

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