The Mags - She

Final magazine advert

Final magazine advert

Wednesday 5 January 2011


What is narrative?
A narrative is a story that is created in a constructive format (as a work of writing, speech, poetry, prose, pictures, song, motion pictures, video games, theatre or dance) that describes a sequence of fictional or non-fictional events.

The narrative behind our AS coursework
For our AS media coursework we had to make an opening of a film of our chosen genre. Our group decided to choose the genre independent/psychological as this is the type of genre that interested our group the most. Our film was called "Leyla" as this was the name of the young girl who starred in our film. "Leyla" was actually our second attempt at making a film opening because the narrative of our first attempt did not work as well as we had hoped and was very difficult to film. The narrative of "Leyla" was a teenage girl waking up in the middle of the woods who was having flash backs of her previous night that helped her figure out why she was in the woods. In our film opening the narrative may not be very clear, as it is usually not at the very beginning of films but if we had made the rest of the film, it would have become clear to the viewer about why she ended up there and how the flashbacks tie in with her situation. We involved camera angles and content in the flashbacks that would appear confusing to the viewer until the rest of the film revealed the relevance. We also had a voice over in the opening of our film of a police officer talking to Leyla's mother. At first from just watching the opening of the film, the voice over may seem strange and not make sense, but if we had made the rest of the film it would have become relevant because we would have involved the mother in Leyla's disappearance.

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