The Mags - She

Final magazine advert

Final magazine advert

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Band name, album name and track list

In our groups we need to come up with some ideas for a band name, album name and track names to put on our digipack. We have previously looked at random name generators on the internet to try and come up with a band name and put our ideas into a wordle but we never really decided on a name that we all liked. In another attempt to get some ideas we use another type of generator. As a group we had one piece of paper and took it in turns to write a word down. As the first group member, I wrote "The" followed by an adjective and then folded the paper over to hide the word. Next, Charlotte wrote a noun and folded her piece of paper over as well. Molly went next a wrote a verb and then the paper went round again and we all did the same thing again. We then unfolded the paper to see what we had come up with to see if it made sense and if we could use it. The sentence we came up with was:
The crazy crows sleeps in the magenta theatre.

Although we did not like this for our album name or band name, we thought that we could break it up to use certain parts, for example maybe calling our band "The crows" or even just "Crows" and then naming our album "Magenta theatre". These are just rough ideas and we are going to do more of these generators to come up with more ideas and also ideas for our track list.

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