The Mags - She

Final magazine advert

Final magazine advert

Friday 25 March 2011


Last lesson when we had the chance to edit our video, we decided that something that was missing from our video and was crucial to make it look professional was credits at the beginning. We also thought that credits would make our video look better because currently, the beginning of the video is black for quite a long time and is not very interesting but by adding credits in would make this time seem more less pointless.

For our credits we just simply looked at other music videos and copied their style which was:
The band name
The song name
Production company

So we made our credits to this format so they were:
The Mags
The Mags LP
LBC Productions

We decided that the most effective way to have these credits were quite simply just in white on the black background in a small simple font.

This is our 4th draft of our music video to Charmer that includes the credits at the beginning:

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