The Mags - She

Final magazine advert

Final magazine advert

Wednesday 30 March 2011

3 way split screen

We have finally managed to find out how to do a 3 way horizontal split screen on Final Cut Express! After searching through many online forums and YouTube clips we finally found how to do it and after we got started, realised how easy it is to do. We had to use the motion tab on Final Cut and then alter the scale and centre point.

This has allowed us to create our split screen of Charlotte and Tom fighting from 3 different times to emphasise the amount of fights they have and the strain on their past relationship.

After finding out how to do the 3 way split screen this also allowed us to a 2 way horizontal split screen with Charlotte and Tom's feet walking in opposite directions to show either the split of their relationship or that Charlotte will always be there following Tom, depending on your interpretation of the narrative.

Here is our next draft of the video that contains all of the new split screens we have created:

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