The Mags - She

Final magazine advert

Final magazine advert

Monday 18 April 2011

Video screening and audience feedback

After school last week the media department had a screening of the whole years work. All of sixth form, all of the teachers and all the year 11s who are interested in taking media studies as an A level were invited. They were each given a sheet on their chair that had 2 questions:
1. What did you like about our music video?
2. What is your favourite part of our music video and why?

We watched everyones music video on a big projector and then had time to right down our comments. After the screening our audience were then invited to our "camera corner" where we had a flip camera set up and asked people questions that were specific to our own production. Our questions included:
1. What was your interpretation of our narrative?
2. What did you think our 3 way split screen represented?
3. What was your favourite part of our video?

We got some really positive feedback and everyone who watched it seemed to really enjoy it. Some of the responses we got from the questions on the sheets included comments such as:

"The make up applying fitted well with the rock genre"
"I loved the ice turning into hearts"
"The 3 way split screen was really effective and cool"
"The editing was interesting"
"I like the way the theme is portrayed throughout the video"
"The performance part was very realistic"
"I like the mix of the narrative and performance"
"My favourite part was the split screens"
"The editing techniques were very precise on the beat of the music"

This is a wordle with some of the words that people used to describe our final video:

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