The Mags - She

Final magazine advert

Final magazine advert

Wednesday 6 April 2011

The ending of our video

All we have left to do now with our video, is complete the ending. We have been finding it very hard to think about what to put in the end of our video as we have been told by people watching the video that it needs to be a powerful and strong ending to wrap up the narrative. We have been asking all of our friends to watch our video and decide on what they think the narrative means to them and how we could end it and we had some very interesting and different responses. Some people have said that they think the narrative is that Charlotte is obsessed with Tom and is always around him and doesn't leave him alone, however other people have said that they think the narrative is that Charlotte and Tom used to be in a relationship that broke down because Tom got too famous and too into his music and Charlotte did not like that. They also had different ideas for the ending and some people said it should just be a purely performance ending with Tom on the stage but others said the ending should be of Charlotte on the stage that the band had been filmed on previously, to show she is always where he is. This feedback in some ways helped us and in other ways confused us because we were not sure how to react to the different opinions but then later realised we had created a Barthes enigma code where the narrative could have many different meanings to people depending on how they viewed it!

This is some audience feedback that we got from some friends about their interpretations of our narrative:

As we were still not sure how to end our video we all sat down as a group and decided to look through some music videos for inspiration. In quite a few videos we found that the lyrics to the song actually appeared in word form in the video for example in "All of the lights" by Kanye West and "Lets go surfing" by the Drums:

We thought that this could possibly work for our music video but if we did it in a more creative way, and then came across the Marina and the Diamonds music video "I am not a robot". In this video, the lead singer is featured with paint all over her and occasionally smudging it over body:

We thought that we could combine the two techniques that we had found and paint the lyrics to the song onto Charlotte and have her smudge it to symbolise the end of their relationship. We could also use editing techniques to speed it up and cut it up to add a strange, powerful feeling to the ending which it what our audience feedback said it needed.

This is what the ending looks like with the initial editing of Charlotte smuding it but we will edit it more when we are next all together:

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