The Mags - She

Final magazine advert

Final magazine advert

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Lip Syncing

We also used the flip cameras to practice lip syncing that we will be using in our music video. Charlotte from our group is going to be the girl that features in our video as the obsessed fan as we thought it would be easy to use someone in our group as we know they will be reliable and know the sort of results we want from our video. We are also already using people from outside the group to be our band in the video so we thought it would be nice to also have someone from the group in it too.

For the parts of the song where charlotte will be lip syncing it will mainly be extreme close ups of her mouth which makes it even more important to be perfect. We practised and put it in black and white because that's what our video is going to be shot in, however when we do the real thing, we will have Charlotte's lips bright red with lipstick to stand out as seductive and feminine.

Although this practice video is not perfect, we have learnt how to do it and hopefully when we do it for our real video we will have more experience so we can make it perfect.

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