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Final magazine advert

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Andrew Goodwin's analysis of music videos

When we were at the workshop at RichMix, Pete Fraser told us about Andrew Goodwin's theory in his book called "Dancing in the Distraction Factory" (Routledge 1992).
He has 6 points which he believes need to be included in a music video to make it successful:

1. They must demonstrate genre conventions - e.g stage performance for rock bands and a dance routine for girl bands

2. There must be a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals - to illustrate or amplify the lyrics

3. There must be a relationship between the music and the visuals - to illustrate or amplify the music, e.g use the beat of the song

4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs that run which recur across their work - their own recognisable creative style

5. There must be frequent reference to looking and the notion of looking - e.g screens within screens or voyeuristic treatment of the female body

6. There is often intertexual reference - to films, programmes or other music videos

We will consider these points when completing our storyboard for our own video and have already had an idea on how to include voyerism. We thought we could have the lead singer of our band walking into the obsessed fans' house and seeing lots of pictures of himself up around her room and looking at them in shock or disbelief.

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