The Mags - She

Final magazine advert

Final magazine advert

Friday 10 December 2010

Planning our video

We have now been given our equipment to start filming our music video which includes a camera, tripod, gorilla tripod, chargers, leads, a battery, tapes and the flip camera. We have done alot of practice filming with our flip camera and now we have the chance to practice on the real camera. We are going to use the gorilla tripod for some of our close up shots from different angles.

For our video we are going to use a band from outside school that Molly knows as they will be reliable and they are also a few years older than us so it will look more professional than having a band our age looking young. The band have also been in another A level music video which means that they are used to the process and will be profesional about the filming. They are good performers and the genre of their music is punk/rock which will fit in well with our music genre and means they will have an ideal image for our band.

This is the A level video that they took part in before:

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