The Mags - She

Final magazine advert

Final magazine advert

Sunday 17 October 2010

Audience feedback to treatment

When we presented our treatment to our class we asked them to respond to it by writing a few words or comments about what they thought about our initial ideas of our video.

After we collected all of the comments from our audience, we used the website to create a wordle out of all the feedback. This website allows you to put in all different words and comments and then makes a "word cloud". The words that are most frequently used appear on the wordle as bigger and bolder so you can see the most prominant words. This will let us see our audience feedback in an easier way and see what the majority of the audience thought.

This is our wordle:

So from this wordle we can see that the majority of our audience thought that our treatment and initial ideas were creative and professional, while a few people said it was unique and a good interpretion of the song and lyrics.

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