The Mags - She

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Final magazine advert

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up

I've chosen to analyse this video because I have always had to watch this video the whole way through and think it is very clever and challenges sterotypes of teenage boys. The video is from a persons point of view the whole time and it starts off with them having a shower and getting ready before going out, taking drugs, drinking alcohol getting in fights and sleeping with girls. The video is narrative as it is like a story being told of this persons life and showing us what a typical night out for them is. I also like the camera movements and editing as the person is getting more drunk because the picture becomes more distorted and jerky to show us how they are viewing the situation and the influence of the drugs and alcohol on them. The end of this video has a twist because it turns out the person you have been in the head of for the whole video is a woman when it has been set up to make you think it is a man because of the behaviour being shown. There are also certain things that happen in the video that go to the beat of the song such as when she smashes the window of the car and also when she rips the record from the DJ decks. This draws the viewer back to song and makes sure that the video does not completly distract you from the actual song, lyrics and beat.

Although the controversial video has been named in some top 10 lists of greatest music videos, it was infact banned from MTV when it was first released. This may have been because of the extensive use of drugs and alcohol and the violence you are shown, or it may be because of the homosexual activity which is often frowned upon in America which is where MTV is based.

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